
Crossing Paths

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Literature Text

"Wake up, Little Red~"
"Hrrgh…" No way was it time to wake up. It was still way too early. Who did this guy think he was, getting her up at the crack of—
"It's almost noon, now move your ass, Little Red~"
"…." Fine. Time to get up because His Excellence said so. Slowly, grumbling the whole time, a messy head of long red locks emerged from under the warm covers she so wanted to stay cocooned in. "Hm…." Her head felt fuzzy. How late had she been up last night…? Not like it mattered. Since this weird drifter stumbled—literally, the asshole had tripped over and nearly killed her—upon her a week ago, she hadn't gotten any sleep at all. And how could she? This man, Millo, if that even was his real name…was unbelievable.
He looked so young but his hair was white. He talked to every person he met like they were either his best friend or, obnoxiously, like they were his subjects. He acted like a prince when clearly, that wasn't the case. No entourage of bodyguards ever came to his side, and he was convinced they'd just jumped off his private jet at the wrong time and parachuted far away from him. 'They'll catch up soon, Little Red!', he always said. What a nut.
But what really sealed her conclusion that this man was delusional and absolutely insane was the way he treated her. Caringly, as if she were his child, if that insufferable nickname was any indication. And she hadn't said a single word to him since he found her. Letting her eye drift up to that man's happily grinning face, she thought back to that night.

This…this was it, wasn't it? She was going to die here. In an alley like a stray dog, with no one ever to miss her…no one to mourn her. The Monster…the girl with the damned eye who'd murdered a room of people without even lifting a finger. And yet despite her situation, despite that thought that she'd only be remembered there as a monster…she felt content. Blank, dark eyes stared out between her bangs at the street, watching rain fall in the beam of a streetlight. She…could accept that. Dying here inconspicuously. She'd fade from existence quietly, as she'd lived, and the world would be free of one more monster. Her eyes began slipping shut slowly. So tired…so hungry…
And then something rammed her in the stomach, kicking her a good few inches down the alley. Fuck that hurt…! But she didn't move. She didn't want to. Her eyes only opened again and saw a pair of shiny black boots staring back at her. What the…?
"Ahh, damn! Did I kick a dog, or..?" The boots knelt down. A man. A man had found her. Maybe he'd be merciful and shoot her in the head before he started looting around for any cash she might have had. He'd be disappointed, though; she was broke. "Oh. Well, well, you're not a dog, are you? Hello, my dear. Whatever do you think you're doing out here?" His arm bent up and rested his hand against a face hidden in a hooded cloak. Hidden, yet a smile could be heard in his voice. She didn't answer him. She didn't think she could. Her voice had fled her, along with most of her energy. "Lovely things like you don't belong in alleys. Let's get you out of here, yes?"
Lacking both the strength and the will to argue, the strange man scooped her up like a child, like she weighed nothing at all, and tucked her and her backpack in his cloak and out of the rain. She didn't know how long he'd walked, or how far. All she knew was that, basically, she was being kidnapped. And she'd just been ready to die, too…oh well. She'd probably die soon enough…after being sold and drugged up, that is.
After a while, the sound of rain stopped. They were in a building now, a bright one, too. But she couldn't see anything, not hidden in the cloak. He walked a while longer, up stairs, turning corners…and when the man finally took off and hung up his cloak, they were in a bedroom. A hotel, it seemed. Just great. She was going to be raped, then sold, then drugged, then raped again until she died. A happy ending to a happy life.
So of course it surprised her when he set her on one of the beds, wrapped her up in a towel, and wandered into the small kitchen area, pouring a mug of milk before heating it up in the microwave and shoving it into her hands.
Okay. Now she was confused. She barely gave the cup so much as a glance, her eyes flying up to finally see the face of her…captor. "..." he…certainly wasn't hard on the eyes. But what was with the diamonds on his cheeks, and his hair? It was white, but there was so much of it, it was even shaggy. He couldn't be a day over thirty, maybe even younger. And his eyes…they seemed so eerie. She was the very last person to judge based on eyes, but his were so…empty. Pale, and hollow. His gaze on her was slightly unnerving, to say the least.
"Now then!" the man finally said, pulling a chair around to the bed and plopping down. "Hello, dearest~ I'm sure you have many, many, manymanymany questions for me, am I right?"
"No?" he grinned and shifted his leg to rest on his knee, spreading his arms. "Come now, feel free to ask. Drink, too, dearest, you're shivering. Why don't I help you out…" jutting a thumb at himself, the man stuck his tongue out a bit, just enough for her to see a small silver stud stand out on the pink flesh before it retreated back into his mouth. "My name is Prince Pontecherry of Macedonia. But titles are so restraining. You, my dear Little Red, may call me Millo." Smile easing a bit, Millo leaned forward to the point that their noses were almost touching. "And I can tell…there's something special about you, isn't there? Tell me, Little Red, why is your hair covering your face like that?"
Before she could even react, the man's hand was tangled in her hair, holding every lock away from her startled visage. "…."
"Ooh, not even a whimper. Very stoic. But I was right, yes I was…~" his voice lowered and his smile grew wider, using his grip in her hair to turn her head to the side to get a better look at her damned eye. The shiny, black orb watched him the whole time. "And that's not all, is it?" Uncurling his fingers from the red strands, Millo slowly lowered his hand down to her stomach. "I can tell there's something else, riiight…here. May I see it, please, Little Red?~"
"…" just who WAS this freak? The last thing she needed, or even wanted for that matter, was some creep poking and prodding those growths on her body like she were a frog in a biology class.
But…it wasn't like she had anything to lose. Nothing but her life, which she'd been more than willing to relinquish back in that alley. Holding her warm mug with one hand, she slowly shifted under the towel and lifted up her shirt, revealing the nasty scar cutting along her bellybutton. One second later, the scar opened, and smiled at him with sharp teeth and a dark portal. Millo's face was one of pure amusement. Lowering her shirt, she pointed at her throat, too, opening her mouth wide enough for Millo to see the swirling black hole at the very back of her mouth. It looked similar to the larger one on her stomach
"My, my, my…! Look at you." His smile reached a new width as he leaned back and rested his hands on his legs. "You are special. Uniquely one of a kind. Tell me, do you have a home?" Oh, like he needed an answer to that. He'd found her passed out in a side street, for crap's sake. Slowly, the girl shook her head and looked down into her cup of milk. …she hadn't seen him slip anything in it. So…bottoms up. She leaned her head back and took a long gulp of the warm, frothy drink. Starving as she was, anything would've tasted good. Ever smiling, Millo continued.
"No family?" She shook her head again. No. "Friends, caretakers, blah blah blah?" No. The folks at the orphanage would be happy to forget her. She was eighteen, not required to stay there, anyway. "…would you like to stay with me, then?~ I could use a companion. Especially one like you." Those hollow, empty eyes of him glinted for a split second. Intrigue, maybe, or a first sign of life? She couldn't tell. But Millo's offer…again, what did she have to lose? He seemed…harmless, if not a little batty. And he wasn't scared of her…he didn't see her as a monster. Frankly, she didn't know what he saw her as. But that…didn't matter. Hesitantly, the girl nodded. Millo couldn't have looked happier. "Wonderful. I have a sidekick. Tell me, Sidekick, are you going to tell me your name any time soon? If not, I'll just have to call you 'Little Red' all the time."
"Such a cold girl...~"

"…." Just one week ago. She'd been screening out Millo this whole time, lost in her memories. Blinking, she realized just how close he'd gotten to her. Seriously, he was almost right on top of her on the bed.
"Little Red. You're scaring me. If you don't tell me what you want for breakfast, I'm just going to give you chicken feed."
"…" And she was stuck with this weirdo. That, honestly…didn't seem so bad. The smallest of smiles gracing her lips, the girl leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Safie…my name is Safie."
Maybe I'll just give up drawing altogether and just write for this group ahaha :iconmingplz:

Safie recollects how she first met her teacher...her weird, completely off-his-rocker teacher.

:iconsafieplz::iconsaysplz:...;; I..forgot I had long hair then, too;;
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